
Can you take Cialis and Viagra Together

Can you take Cialis and Viagra Together

There has always been disease and dysfunction in the human body, and we always use some medication to treat these conditions. When anyone uses the drug, specific safety measures must be followed. Otherwise, it could be dangerous for your health and life.

This article will discuss a similar problem where people ask if we can take Cialis and Viagra Together. We will share some helpful information on this topic and what effect your body might get when you take both. There is some introductory information on these medicines available too.

What is Cialis?

    • Cialis, also known as Tadalafil, is a medication used to treat male sexual disorders. There are many sexual dysfunctions that men face in their lives, and treating those conditions is necessary. One of the treatments doctors suggest their patient is to take a periodic course of medications like Cialis.
    • Cialis is a PDE5 inhibitor medication that improves the blood flow in the body and gives the patient a better functioning penal part. May doctors and therapists prescribe this medication to their patients, which is extremely helpful too? Many doses of Cialis are available in the market, making it more beneficial.

What is Viagra?

    • If you have ever been in a sexual disorder, you must be aware of Viagra medicine. It is one of the most common drugs in the pharmaceutical industry. It is widely used to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men. Most sexually disease-treating medicines use the same chemical composition as Viagra.
    • Viagra, also known as Sildenafil, was first introduced as a medicine for hypertension and stress treatment, but later on, it was identified that it also works excellently against sexual disorders. It is also said to be the initial treatment of these conditions in men. Patients can use Viagra before their sexual activity.

How Viagra and Cialis Works?

    • The working process of both Viagra and Cialis is very similar. They both have PDE5 inhibitors, which block the production of PDE enzymes in the body, making the body muscles relax and perform well without any sexual tension or body pain.
    • The blood flow of Cialis and Viagra Metabolized in the body will increase your heart rate. When your sexual organs get a good blood flow, they can perform more during sexual activity. Good blood flow also treats erectile dysfunction in men and gives the patient a more extended erection period.

Difference Between Viagra and Cialis

Difference Between Viagra and Cialis

Even though Viagra and Cialis have a very similar chemical composition and the same effect it has on the body. They still have some dissimilarities, which makes them different from each other. Some of these differences are mentioned below in detail.

    • Even though the chemical composition of both medications is the same, they have different quantities of chemicals in them, making Cialis a more heavy-dose medicine than Viagra.
    • Another major difference between both medications is the time of effect. Viagra has its effect on the body for nearly 6 to 7 hours. The Cialis gives you an erection for up to 36 hours.
    • Doctors also have different times for the consumption of these medications. They prescribe their patients to take Cialis in the morning. And Viagra can be used at night before intercourse.
    • The Viagra came in very light dose quantities, while the Cialis and available in larger quantities.

Cialis and Viagra Together

As mentioned above, both medications have the same properties and effects on your body. When you take any medication similar to each other, there is a high chance of overdosing on some unnecessary chemical.

We have mentioned possible risks and side affects you might observe in your body after taking Cialis and Viagra Together.

  1. Risks

      • There is a high risk of stomach infection when you take both medications simultaneously.
      • You might get an erection for more time than needed. Leaving you in an inappropriate situation.
      • You can also damage your penis by overdosing on medications of the same category.
      • Kidney infection is a potential risk of taking both of these medications together.
      • Cialis and Viagra, when taken together, can cause heavy migraines and headaches for the patient.
  2. Side Effects

      • If you have taken both medications without knowing the risk, you will have certain side effects on your body. We have mentioned some of the possible side effects. If you observe any of these, rush to the hospital immediately and get yourself checked. The side effects are mentioned below:
        • Headache
        • Blurred Vision
        • Nausea
        • Vomiting
        • Rashes
        • Muscle Pain
        • Stomach Aches
        • Uncontrolled Erection

Why Not Take Both Together?

We have stated the possible risks you can have by taking Cialis and Viagra Together. But what causes these risks and side effects on your body, and why should we not take them together? We have discussed three prime reasons for not taking them together to answer that.

  1. Same Type of Drug

    • There are categories in the medicines. And Viagra and Cialis are in the same category. This means they have the same chemical composition and nearly the same proportion. They have PDE5 inhibitors in them which cause an increase in blood flow. And relaxes your body muscles at the same time.
    • So when you take both drugs simultaneously, the blood flow can increase more than needed. This can cause a heart attack or stroke for the patient. It is suggested never to use them together to be safe from this accident. Or any other medication related to sexual disorders.
  2. Same Effect on The Body

    • Another reason for not taking them together as the effect it has on your body. Even though treating sexual disorders is important, there are some protocols for that treatment also.
    • Like if you take more than one medication for treating erectile dysfunction, it might get negative for you and gives you an erection for a longer period. Not only these medicines if you are taking any other medication for sexual treatment like tadacip 20 mg, and with that, you take other drugs for the same purpose.
    • It will affect your more than you need. High blood flow is also very bad for heart patients. You should always consult your doctor about your medication.
  3. Possibility for Damage

    • Medication could be fatal for the person if not taken carefully. And the sexual disorder treating drugs has severe effects on your body, so you must be more careful. Dosing yourself with more than one medication for curing the erection problem can result in prolonged erection in men.
    • This situation can also cause severe pain in your penal part and can cause permanent damage to your penis. Taking Cialis and Viagra Together is dangerous for your health and sexual life.

Can I Take Cialis and Viagra Together?

    • Keeping the risks and side effects possible by taking these medications together, we highly suggest you all not bring them together. If you want to get more effective during your sexual activity, another solution could be. Please consult with your doctor and take their advice about your problems.
    • Also, if you want to improve your performance, tell your doctor or physician. He will probably increase your dosage of the same medicine rather than allow you to have two different doses. Like Viagra 50 mg is more effective than the normal one. You can use a higher dosage for a better effect.

Time to Take Viagra and Cialis?

    • Viagra and Cialis are completely different medications in terms of their duration of effect. As mentioned, the Cialis has a prolonged effect and can affect your body for nearly 36 hours. In comparison, Viagra has less effect of 6-7 hours. So due to the duration difference, the doctors also suggest different dosage timing.
    • You can take Viagra at night before the sexual interaction with your partner. It will stay as long as you are in the activity and lose its effect after the night.
    • While for the Cialis, doctors suggest taking it in the morning. It is primarily a medication for treating erectile dysfunction. So after taking it, you will have a mild erection for around 36 hours, making the blood flow fluent in your muscle veins.

Taking Maximum Effect from Viagra and Cialis

We understand the problem men faces in their sexual life. They want to improve their sexual capability, so taking a high dose is not the solution. Suppose you want to increase the effect of Viagra and Cialis or any other sexual dysfunction treatment medication. You can use the following tips we are sharing with your all:

    • You must take both medications at different times and see which works best.
    • Also, see which dug has fewer side effects on your body that one is safe to use for you.
    • You can also take the medication according to your need. For longer use, take the Cialis, and for a shorter effect, use Viagra.
    • Taking Cialis and Viagra Together will not maximize the result. Instead, you can increase the dose of each medicine on your doctor’s advice.
    • Taking a healthy diet along with medication can also improve your sex life and the effect of drugs on your body.
    • You have to stop consuming alcohol while you are following medical treatment.
    • Do the daily exercise as they will improve your stamina and make you more active during sexual intercourse.

Safety Tips

In the treatment process, there are certain medical precautions that everyone must follow. These safety tips are for your safety. As we already know, medicine could be fatal if not taken properly, so you must know the precaution too. Some of these tips are mentioned below. Please read them carefully and also share them with others.

    • Before ingesting any dose of these or any other drug, speak with your doctor.
    • Keep the medication out of the reach of youngsters.
    • Avoid using sexual drugs if you have heart disease, or at the very least, talk to your doctor first.
    • Cialis and Viagra Together can impair your ability to see well, so you should not drive after taking any dose of the medication.
    • Don’t overdose yourself to make the effects of the medication last longer.
    • After the effects of Viagra or Cialis wear off, you can feel a little worn out. Don’t worry about it, and get enough rest.
    • If you have stomach pain or nausea, head straight to the hospital and maintain control of yourself.
    • If you want to take this medication regularly, inform your doctor about your present health situation.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Time Should I Wait Before Taking Viagra After Cialis?

Taking both Viagra and Cialis could be highly dangerous for you. You must wait for nearly 36 hours after you take Cialis. After 36 hours has been passed, you can take the Viagra dose.

How Long Does Cialis Last?

The effect of Cialis could last on your body for nearly 36 hours. This doesn’t mean you will have an erection for 36 hours straight. The effect of Cialis will be in the form of mild erection from time to time for increasing blood flow.

What if I take Cialis and Viagra Together?

Taking Viagra and Cialis could be highly dangerous for your sexual health. You could damage your penis permanently. There is also a high risk of stomach infection and getting severe migraines.

Bottom Line

    • Every sexual disorder is dangerous for men. If they are not treated, they will become a more serious medical condition. They can have severe effects on your body. But taking medication wrongly, like Cialis and Viagra, together could be dangerous too.
    • As we have mentioned, you must be prudent with these medications. We also suggest you consult your doctor before taking any medication.
    • And if you see any side effects after taking any drug, visit your doctor immediately. Let them examine you and give you another medicine that is suitable for you. The information in this article will be greatly helpful for you.

About Dipesh

Experienced pharmaceutical professional with a Master’s degree and 8 years of expertise in the pharma industry.