
China looking at Indian market for approved Covid-19 drugs as demand increases

China looking at Indian market for approved Covid-19 drugs as demand increases

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world, the demand for effective vaccines and treatments has never been higher. China looking at Indian market for approved Covid-19 drugs as demand increases, and India can fulfill such high demands.

During the first waves of Covid-19, China has made significant strides in developing and distributing COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, with several of its products already approved for use in various countries around the world. With its large and advanced pharmaceutical industry, China is well-positioned to meet the growing demand for these life-saving drugs. But now that the tables are turned because of the again uprising of the covid-19. It is a surprise for all the world’s countries, including China.

China launched two drugs that are Pfizer’s Paxlovid and Azvudine, both manufactured by Genuine Biotech. These drugs are incredibly profound as antivirals to treat Covid-19 symptoms. But the issue with these medicines is that they are in their primary faces of distribution and are only available in certain hospitals. This limited supply makes the patients take drugs imported through India illegally. Also, in the currency conversion scenarios, the imported medicines are still cheaper for Chinese Citizens than the government-approved medicines for Covid-19 in China.

As with any significant global trade, several complex factors are at play. Intellectual property concerns, export regulations, and geopolitical tensions can impact the availability of these vital medical supplies. However, this article mainly focuses on explaining the crucial medicines involved in this conflict to make people aware of the current situation of Covid-19 medication and how they fit in the world’s latest scenarios.

India’s highly demanded Covid 19 Medicines in China

  1. India's highly demanded medicines in China for Covid-19

    Primovir Tablet

      • It is one of the most high-demand medicine currently that the Chinese demand to import from India. The experts believe that the Primovir tablets are supplied through various mediums in the black markets, selling at triple price points from their manufacturing costs.
      • Primovir tablets are a prescription medication used to treat herpes simplex viruses (HSV) type 1 and type 2. These viruses can cause infections of the skin, mouth, and genital area, as well as other areas of the body.
      • The active ingredient in Primovir tablets is acyclovir, an antiviral drug. It works by inhibiting the growth and spread of the herpes virus, helping to reduce the severity and duration of outbreaks.
        • Benefits of Primovir tablets

          1. One of the advanced features of Primovir tablets is their ability to be taken as a preventive measure. It means one can take them regularly to help reduce the frequency of outbreaks and prevent the spread of the virus to others.
          2. In addition to its antiviral properties, Primovir tablets have been shown to have several other benefits as well. For example, they have been shown to reduce the risk of HIV transmission in individuals with HIV and genital herpes. They may also have a role in preventing cancer by inhibiting the growth of specific cancer cells.
          3. Another advanced feature of Primovir tablets is their effectiveness in treating more severe forms of herpes infections, such as genital herpes in pregnant women and herpes encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain.
        • Precautions and considerations

          1. It’s important to remember that Primovir tablets are only effective when taken as directed and should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare provider. They may not suit everyone, and some may experience side effects when taking the medication.
          2. It’s also important to inform your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as the safety of the medication in these populations has not been established.
          3. Primovir tablets are the only medication within this list of Indian generic medicines that gets safe using the approval from the health authorities in the USA, India, and the UK. Hence it is the only medicine that we recommend in case one is suffering from Covid-19 symptoms. Take advice from the doctor about how to use Primovir medicine to treat Covid-19 symptoms. One can consider to purchase the medicine too as it ensures original delivery of medicines to your doorsteps. 24×7 pharma is an online medical store that only confirms the order when checking the whole medical condition of the patient. Hence in this way, a patient can add one more security layer to avoid side effects. A flat discount is also available on the website for extra savings.
  2. Paxista Tablet

      • The Paxista tablet is an investigational drug used in emergency cases to treat Coronavirus related symptoms. The tablets are not yet confirmed as a potential help to treat Coronavirus disease without causing severe side effects. Still, as Covid-19 cases are rising again, people are liking risk of taking the medication, and this is the reason for its increasing demand from China.
      • The Paxista tablet has a use case for mild to moderate-level Coronavirus symptoms in adults and pediatric patients. However, several precautionary checks and measures require assurance within the patient before giving the Paxista Tablets.
      • The following measures need to check before giving the Paxista tablet.
        1. The patient should be above 12 years of age and have 40 kilograms of weight.
        2. The medicine is only needed if a patient tests positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
        3. The uses of this medicine are appropriate only in severe conditions like high risk of progression, including hospitalization or death.
  3. Ritonavir 100 mg

      • Ritonavir is a prescription medication used to treat HIV infection, but it also has some aspects that make it a good medicine. It is an antiviral drug that inhibits the action of an enzyme called HIV protease, which the virus needs to replicate and spread. By inhibiting this enzyme, Ritonavir helps to reduce the amount of HIV in the body, which can improve immune function and delay the progression of HIV disease.
        • Benefits of Ritonavir

          • There are various benefits of using the Ritonavir 100 mg capsules for the treatment of Covid-19 symptoms. One of the advanced features of Ritonavir is its ability to boost the levels of other antiretroviral medications in the body. Ritonavir is often used with other HIV medications in a process known as “ritonavir boosting.” By increasing the levels of different antiretroviral drugs, Ritonavir can help to increase their effectiveness and improve the overall response to treatment.
          • Ritonavir is also well-tolerated by many patients and is effective in many populations, including pregnant women and people with liver or kidney impairment.
        • Precautions and considerations

          • Like all medications, Ritonavir has the potential for side effects and should be used as directed by a healthcare provider. Some common side effects of Ritonavir may include nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue.
          • It is essential to inform your healthcare provider if you are taking other medications, as Ritonavir may interact with certain drugs and cause harmful reactions. It is also necessary to tell your healthcare provider if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, such as liver or kidney disease.
          • In conclusion, Ritonavir is an essential medication for HIV infection. Its ability to boost the levels of other antiretroviral drugs and its effectiveness in many populations make it a valuable tool in managing HIV disease. It is essential to use Ritonavir as directed and to be aware of any possible precautions or considerations.
  4. Nirmatrelvir 150 mg

      • The tablets are the primary protease inhibitor for SARS-CoV-2. The major function of Nirmatrelvir 150 mg tablet is to prevent the further growth of the viruses that can cause Corona disease within the body. Also, health professionals use Ritonavir 100 mg tablets along with the Nrimatrelvir tablets because Ritonavir increases the levels of Nirmatrelvir, making the medicine function fast and with enhanced effectiveness.
      • Apart from the above information, research and studies are still ongoing related to using Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir tablets. More data can collect to state their exact efficiency probability in treating Covid-19. The medication is only used in emergencies and is not available for everyday use. It largely depends on the healthcare professional selecting these medicines to treat an individual suffering from Covid-19, depending on the conditions.
      • One thing to note here is that the medicine is specifically recommended for patients older than 12 years of age with mild to moderate symptoms of Covid-19. Also, the patients should consume the medication for not more than five days, with strict health care professional evaluation that it should not cause any severe side effects.
  5. Molnunat 200 mg Capsule

      • The tablets are among the first oral medication for antiviral diseases, including Coronavirus. The functioning of the tablet is simple, and it prevents the virus from multiplying hence lower down the virus loads from the body. The Molnunat 200 mg capsules provide the body enough time to fight the virus as it cannot reproduce and hence becomes vulnerable. Often health professionals recommend this medicine with other immunity enhancement medication to eliminate the virus from the body fastly and effectively, making the body healthy again.
      • The Molnunat 200 mg capsules are only available in emergency scenarios and get approval through the Indian Drug regularity Authorities on December 28, 2021. Not only this, the US and Uk authorities, namely Food and Drug Administration(FDA) and UK regulatory agencies, also approve this drug for medical emergencies related to Covid-19.
      • Healthcare professionals recommend this medicine once there is a high possibility of the disease becoming severe. It should also not consume for more than five consecutive days and always remain in the health care professional observations while consuming the medicine.
  6. Molnatris 200 mg Capsule

      • It works primarily on the disease severity. The Molnatric 200 mg Capsule is also included in the first line of oral antiviral medication that limits the potential risk of Coronavirus within the body. The Molnatris 200 mg capsule is available only for emergencies related to Covid-19 as per the approval from the Indian Drug regularity Authorities, FDA in the US, and UK regulatory agency.
      • The medicine is only recommended if there is a high risk of Covid-19 disease severity. The drug has several potential risks, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and older age consumption issues. It is essential to complete a treatment tenure of 5 consecutive days with this medicine. The medicine may cause dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea in some patients. Any other side effects apart from this should immediately tell the respective doctors.
      • One major thing to consider here is that the Molnatric 200 mg Capsule is not for patients who have recently been hospitalized or consuming any medicines that are also used for treating Covid-19 symptoms. The reason is that already consuming Covid-19 medication can react with the Molnatric 200 mg Capsule and can open the risk of enhancing the side effects within the patient’s body.
      • As China looking at Indian market for approved Covid-19 drugs as demand increases, One can purchase all the above medicines through 24x7pharma. is an online medical store that provides treatments with the assurance of delivering original products to your doorsteps. Not only this, but the 24x7pharma also checks several factors, including medical conditions, prior diseases, and allergies, to check the patient’s body’s capability of accepting the medication. A flat discount is available on the website for a limited time to make the patients save some extra bucks.

Read More : 13 Things To Know About Paxlovid Tablet, the Latest COVID-19 Pill

The Current dealing Scenarios of Covid 19 medicines import from India to China

China residents are catching the demand of the Covid-19 drugs. And since there is a medication shortage in Chinese hospitals, it appears that the Indian markets fulfill the needs. The primary medicine that people require is the Primovir tablet, along with other alternatives mentioned above in this article. However, some of the medication is illegal to us in the China premises and from the ethics side too, because they are generally designed for medical emergencies related to Covid-19 treatments.

Chinese platforms like Weibo and Wechat have several discussions, and popular topics such as “Anti covid Indian generic drugs sold at 1000 yuan per box in China” commonly revolve around. The prices of generic Covid-19 are at an all-time high in the black market because per box sells for approximately 150 dollars within the Chinese premises. Also, the Primovir tablet is gaining more damnd with a price hike each day. The reason behind this is its low risk and enhanced efficiency. Among the other generic alternatives In In,dia for treating Covid-19 symptoms, the Primovir tablet functions are more optimal within the body. Moreover, it is safe to use, unlike other medications that are only getting their approval for emergency scenarios, and that too with appropriate health professional evaluations.

There are also various geopolitical issues involved within the matter because recently there are some ups and downs occurred between the relations of both countries and hence the governments of both sides not looking to withhold each other back. As o the current circumstances people are illegally purchasing medicines from India as per the recent expert’s analysis. It is time that tells whether the import from India of Covid-19 medicines becomes illegal from both ends or not.


As the shortage of Covid-19 vaccines occurs in the Chinese markets, people require more quantities because Covid-19 is again gaining outrage severely across the globe. However, the Chinese market is unable to detect this again growth and hence cannot provide the medication to the people to suppress the demands. Many also purchase treatment drugs as precautionary aspects; therefore, it is becoming harder for the Chinese government to generate and distribute acceptable quantities of medicines for Covid-19 treatment. It is the primary reason that China is looking at the Indian market for approved Covid-19 drugs as demand increases, and India can fulfill these high demands.

The most in-demand medicine is Prmovir tablets and other alternatives, like Paxista Tablet, Ritonavir 100 mg, Nirmatrelvir 150 mg, Molnunat 200 mg Capsule, and Molnatris 200 mg Capsule. One can consider 24×7 pharma to purchase these COvid-19 medicines or any other medicine with originality assurance. Not only this, but the website is also providing factor check functionalities and flat discounts on medicines for extra savings.